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  • Ailsa Reynolds

Stop the Cumbrian Coalmine

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

Here’s my postcard to Michael Gove #postcardsfortheplanet

So this one is about the awful decision to open a new coal mine. As host of the COP last year this is particularly galling for the UK to make this decision. It’s not needed , UK industry doesn’t want it ( it’s not suitable and they are looking at green alternatives) and it’s claim to be net zero is disingenuous ( off setting is planned but this doesn’t in any way cover emissions from extraction, export and industrial use ).

As usual if you can’t find postcards do use a plain white envelope and use the hashtag #postcardsfortheplanet with your name and email address.

Please address your postcard timed to arrive around the 16th January to

Rt Hon Michael Gove

Dept of housing , communities and local government

2 Marsham Street

London SW1P 4DF

Our message is

Stop the Cumbrian coal mine

There is no demand for the coal

It will increase carbon emissions

It damages the UK’s net zero targets and credentials

Provide green jobs not dirty fossil fuel jobs

Many, many thanks

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